Thursday 15 January 2009

That path...

Well after a bit of tweaking and testing the camera seems to be working again. Fingers crossed.

Not the most picturesque image today, but a topical one nevertheless. This is 'the path' where on 31 December 2008 some poor soul discovered the head of a woman in a blue IKEA bag.


Gerald (SK14) said...

I looked at this and was going to comment that this is the kind of path I often take photographs of and how the amount of littered bags was about par for the course but then I read about the gruesome find and of course one doesn't normally investigate the actual contents of the strewn rubbish.

Sharon said...

Oh my, what a dreadful discovery to make.

Anonymous said...

Ugh, it's such a sad story.

Kris McCracken said...

I wonder if it would have been less shocking if the bag was from Tescos?

Anonymous said...

Ooh, always good to have a story behind a photo, especially one so sinister! I had thought it was further from the centre, might have to pop along the next time I'm down there to satisfy my ghoulish curiosity...

Petrus said...

IKEA charge for their bags - they are quite expensive ..

Joking apart - while out for a walk the last thing you want to find is a body part - it must have been most upsetting .