Monday, 26 May 2008

Edinburgh city centre (view part 2)

As promised yesterday, here's the view part 2! With of course Edinburgh castle to the right and the rather less photogenic St Andrew's House (large bulky office block to the left).
What I find facinating about this picture is the deceptive evenness of height of all the buildings. Edinburgh slopes up quite steeply towards the city centre, and the castle is on a huge big rock that towers over everything else again - yet you would never guess that from this angle. Secondly, the towers/turrets/domes on the skyline itself are not at all in a straight line, but instead they are on two parallel streets half a kilometer away from each other. From left to right, you see: the top of St Giles cathedral (Royal Mile), the tower on the Balmoral Hotel (Princes Street), the Hub (church on Royal Mile), the Scott Monument (gothic spire on Princes Street).

1 comment:

Jane Hards Photography said...

Two great over views and very well wrtiten text.