Sunday, 3 August 2008

Love, love, love!

If there was a prize for the most imaginative and most positive promotion on Friday it surely would go to this group! They're in a show called I Love You! And You... And You... which plays in the C3 venue on the Lawnmarket and bills itself as a romantic comedy in which the audience chooses the ending. Meanwhile they're creating a 'love chain' with messages of love from the passing public, which eventually should stretch the length of the Royal Mile!


Unknown said...

Now there's a pretty girl. I bet she's never short of love.

Anonymous said...

wow, she's really a pretty woman

Allie said...

Another great post! My daughter and I really liked this one. She and her classmates leave for Scotland tomorrow and can't wait to get there. Their performances are on the 11, 12, 14 and 15th and they have the rest of the time to enjoy the Fringe. My daughter is double cast so her big days are the 12th and the 15th at the Roxburghe in the evening. She'd love for you to check it out!! In the meantime, I'll be coming to your site daily to see what's going on in Edinburgh!! Happy Sunday.....