Wednesday 19 November 2008

National Museum of Scotland Tower

Yesterday I had a go on the digital SLR from work - way more sophisticated than my normal apparatus. I can't say I really got the hang of all the settings straight away, but this was one of my better attempts. This is the 'Tower', part of the National Museum of Scotland, built in 1998 to house the Scottish collections of the National Museums. For me, this is a very special building - not only is it a previous workplace, but it also is where Mr Dido and I got married.


Small City Scenes said...

Interesting looking building. I can see why it would be special for you. B

Sharon said...

Great job with the SLR. I used to be quite good at it in the "film" days. I haven't attemped it yet since digital came on the scene. I'm saving up to buy one sometime soon.
This looks like a very nice place to get married!

Wayne said...

I'd like to see a wider shot of this building Dido to put this tower in context. Don't give that camera back just yet.