Tuesday 5 August 2008

Pleasance Courtyard

Yesterday evening, Mr DiDo and I went to see our first Fringe shows of the year. We had tickets for Welsh comedian Rhod Gilbert, whom I adore and who was on excellent form! Afterwards we had a beer in the Pleasance courtyard (see picture), a large open-air drinking area surrounded by all the different performance spaces, where performers and audiences mix freely.

After a few minutes we were offered free tickets for a show that started in 5 mins, so pints-in-hand we proceeded to the Pleasance hut. I think we both found Bernard O'Shea a bit hit-and-miss but he did have his moments. The Pleasance, though, is a venue not to be missed, if only for its ultra relaxed atmosphere and coloured lights!


Meead said...

Hi Dido,
This is my first chance visiting your wonderful photo blog. You took very nice photos. I enjoyed for some minutes to view your photos. Thanks Dido.

Meead said...

Cool place to spend sometime and rest!

Allie said...

Looks like a fun evening!