A picture a day from the beautiful capital of Scotland
Wednesday, 6 August 2008
Balloon on South Bridge
Today the weather's awful!! So instead of venturing out and spoiling my camera in the rain I thought I'd post this picture which I took on South Bridge a few days ago. The balloon is actually on a very long string, all the way down from the Cowgate - so the equivalent of about 8 stories!
Thank you for your kind words on my site today. The high school group leaves London early Thursday morning for Edinburgh. I don't think they will even notice the weather....it's been 105+ degrees here....AND they are away from home without mom and dad and having a blast! Happy Wednesday... ~Allie
I love this photo!! It's Albert Lamorisse's "Ballon Rouge"!
So simple and so beautiful!
Fantastic capture - simplicity always makes the best photo...
Thank you for your kind words on my site today. The high school group leaves London early Thursday morning for Edinburgh. I don't think they will even notice the weather....it's been 105+ degrees here....AND they are away from home without mom and dad and having a blast! Happy Wednesday...
It's such a perfectly shaped dot against the white and blue sky - with a sparkle of sun!
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